It is well known worldwide that the Azorean´s sea products are among the best of their kind. However, the reasons that lead to their iconical quality are exactly those that difficult their commercial exploration, especially when it comes to their exportation. The fact that we are a outermost Region, in combination with some socio-economical and climaterical singularities, means that all the investments and know-how must be fine-tuned in order to regularly offer the final consumer the best product possible.
The Azorean Laws allow a fishing activity that could be defined as “traditional”, although modern proceedings and technology are obviously used. The way that this activity is developed in Azores is, as far as we are concerned, an excellent strategy. Because our seas must be protected, everyone that works in the fishing business should take this in consideration and work in a way that is environmentally friendly. It is with this premise in mind that we operate: quality rather than quantity. Our seas and our ways of living depend on that.
As a company, we intend to establish solid and long-lasting commercial relationships. This allows, in turn, good relations with local fishermen and other professionals of this Sector, with benefits for all the involved parts.
We strongly believe that we can provide greater economical power to all professionals of this sector of activity, to whom we belong, helping an activity that faces some difficulties at a local level, but has an enormous potential.
We are well aware of the problems we face, as mentioned above: geographical situation, climacteric conditionings, the overall fishing fleet or the difficulties concerning transportation. However, much effort is being made to minimize the impact of all these problems, which allow some margin of manoeuvre, benefiting both local companies and their customers.
Our clients make us evolve and adapt. It is because of them that we are growing as a company with prospects to reach new markets. Our devotion towards fishing and to all that surrounds this business is certainly reflected in our professional relations: this is more than a business, it is a way of living. To all of them, we would like to offer our most sincere thanks.